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Cygnus: Workstation Solutions for Healthcare

Cygnus creates wood and metal computer workstation solutions with a focus on the healthcare industry. Wall mounted computer desks, charting stations, articulating arms and medication cabinets are some of our largest sellers. Also visit our Social Media page and connect with us. http://www.cygnusinc.net/get_social_with_cygnus.html

Monday, January 19, 2009

Point of No Return?

In a nutshell what Cygnus promotes is keeping computers close to the patient at all times with ZERO footprint in the floor of a patient room. At a recent trip to a hospital in lower Michigan, we saw computers on wheels (COW's) in almost every room, hardwired to the network. If you're going to go to that trouble to lock down the cart, the best solution is to put that same technology and put it on the wall.

"Wall-Mounted PCs - According to the survey, these devices are gradually replacing COWs as a more useful point-of-care computing tool. Ironically, COWs have helped establish wall-mounted PCs. “The good thing about the COWs is that they let you know where to put a fixed station,” says Malkary. Click
here to read more.

Article by By Annie Macios in For The Record Magazine Vol. 20 No. 10 P. 14.

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