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Thursday, April 16, 2009

DoD and Veteran Affairs to Combine EHR's

It looks as though President Obama is really moving along with his health plan by cleaning up goverment right off the get-go. The Department of Defense and Veterans Affairs both have active EHR programs but as of now have been unable to share information back and forth.

With an announcement earlier this week, plans are being forged which will begin the process of creating a link between the two systems. This will be a model for healthcare facilties throughout the country if all goes as planned.

Hopefully they share their problems and solutions so other implementors can learn from the experience.

Below is a post from the EHRScope Blog

White House Announces Plan to Integrate DOD and VA EHRs

The Obama administration announced this week that the Departments of Defense(DOD) and Veterans Affairs(VA) will finally create a path to integrate the flow of patients’ information between DOD’s AHLTA and the VA’s VistA EHR platforms. Each of the disparate systems in and of themselves represents a successful implementation of EHRs, however until now there has been little or no ability to transfer patient data between the two systems.

Read the complete post HERE

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