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Friday, April 1, 2011

Tips for Effective EMR Implementation

From Health & Medical News (Republished from the CanadianEMR Newsletter March 9, 2011)

Once you have selected an EMR, signed your contract with the vendor, applied for funding according to provincial protocols (if you qualify), and scheduled a date to implement the system, the real hard work begins. Implementation can be a smooth and streamlined process if you are well prepared or it can be disruptive and difficult. Preparation and attention to detail are the keys to success. The following are some tips to consider when implementing your EMR that should help you through the process:

  • Develop a six-month timeline until you go live and stick to it.
  • Communication is the key to success within your practice amongst physicians and staff.
  • Make sure you clearly understand your data transfer processes. These will vary depending on whether you are converting from paper to an EMR or transitioning from one EMR to another. Ensure that your vendor is well versed in these processes and ask for them to be explained to you.
  • Physician buy-in is CRITICAL. This is an all or none situation. If physicians are not fully bought into the process prior to implementation, make sure you resolve any issues before the disruption of implementation begins.
  • Staff buy-in is also critical, particularly if there will be a change of workflow and job functions.
  • Recognize that there is significant variation in computer skills of staff and physicians and understand how you are going to improve skills for those individuals.
  • Identify who is going to provide technical support for your practice. Is this an internal skill set or do you need someone in your local community?
  • Set up custom lists for meds, referrals, templates, and diagnostic codes.
  • Understand how to set up common workflows in your EMR, e.g. front office (registration & check-in, halls), patient ready, encounter finished, and scanning and document management.
  • Identify user groups in your community (if there are any).
  • Plan implementation around a slow time of year.
  • Don’t go live on a Monday.
  • Appoint “Super Users” and start their training well in advance of go-live date.
  • Reduce physician schedules by 50% for the first 2 weeks and then by +/- 25% for the next 4–8 weeks.
  • Practice, practice, practice!

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