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Monday, January 23, 2012

HHS may be in the final stages before releasing proposed rules for Stage 2 of the electronic health records meaningful use program - HDM Latest News Article

HealthDataMangement Latest News Article Joseph Goedert Jan 23, 2012

The Department of Health and Human Services may be in the final stages before releasing proposed rules for Stage 2 of the electronic health records meaningful use program.
HHS has sent to the Office of Management and Budget for review a proposed rule that will accompany the Stage 2 incentive program rule. The accompanying rule would adopt standards, implementation specifications and certification criteria to ensure EHRs support Stage 2 measures.

OMB review often is one of the final steps before publication of a proposed or final rule. HHS previously has indicated the Stage 2 proposed rules are coming in January or February. Several sessions at the HIMSS Conference in February are specifically focused on Stage 2 issues. This includes a presentation at the day-long preconference Meaningful Use Symposium on Feb. 20, and these sessions on Feb. 22: ONC Certification Programs-Updates and Next Steps; Meaningful Use Stage 2 NPRM Overview; and ONC Town Hall with Farzad Mostashari.

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