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Thursday, May 14, 2009

EHR Information Pirates

Virginia Public Health Organization Reports EMR Security Breach

LinkFrom the EHRScope Blog

May 7, 2009

As reported here and onEHRtv.com, The Department of Health And Human Services recently announced new guidelines for controlling and reporting security breaches of Electronic Medical Records. Now, just weeks after HHS’ announcement, Virginia has revealed that the EMRs of 8 million patients may have been compromised.

Yesterday, an FBI Official confirmed that they are investigating a $10 million ransom demand by a hacker or hackers, who say they have stolen nearly 8.3 million patient records from a Virginia government Web site that tracks prescription drug abuse. The breach involves the Virginia State Prescription Drug Monitoring Program’s website, www.pmp.dhp.virginia.gov/. Virginia’s governor said state police are also cooperating in the investigation. In a statement the governor said that the breach of patient EMR data is a serious crime, and is being treated as such. As of this writing the Website is still down. [Read the complete article on the EHRScope Blog]

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