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Monday, April 20, 2009

PHR growing pains can be fixed.

Very insightful article from Health Care Tracker Blog which is written by Deresa Claybrook from Positive Response. In the article Deresa lays out the issues with the light being cast upon personal health records. With so many vendors trying to get a piece of the action, it is important that standardization be a goal.

PHR growing pains can be fixed. By Health Care Tracker

The personal health record (PHR) is really facing some challenges now as the awareness of the value of the personal health record becomes known to the American public. What good does it do to sit in front of a computer and input medical information about yourself and your family and then have it coupled with data from a billing record when it is not accurate? People are starting to value their health information and billing information more and more. With the awareness of the Google Health products and their involvement, consumers are now more aware of the overall benefits of keeping a personal health record. But don’t be fooled, Google health products has had its share of headaches up to this point. It seems that we have so many choices with these products yet there are no standardizations measures of where the data comes from among any of them, on the clinical side or the administrative (billing) side.

Read the full article HERE>

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